Making a Breakthrough

I’ve been working on a new project. Lots of threads to weave and clarity to find. After days of doodling, unpicking and re-combination, it finally fell in to place. From conflict and frustration came calm. From clunkiness and confusion came flow. I’d made a break-through into understanding and eloquence. A proper foundation of substance to... Continue Reading →

Your Magical Spark

Inspiration. A magical, mystical thing. Sometimes free-flowing. Sometimes evasive and elusive. The rush you get when you feel inspired is uplifting. A virtuous circle feeding itself. The blankness you feel when inspiration is nowhere to be seen is frustrating. A vicious circle feeding itself. But where does it live? And why does it matter? According... Continue Reading →

A Poem About…

... something 😄 I was trying to write a new blog post.A post for the blog for today.But no matter how hard I tried to,I kept getting in my own way. It wasn't the writer's block demon,Or lack of energy or desire.It was me over-analysing everything.So my stuckness got higher and higher. Taking a leaf... Continue Reading →

Different Versions of You

Imagining yourself in different guises, roles and scenarios can help you learn more about yourself and what you want or need. Why not have a go today? Block off 15 minutes in your diary. 5 minutes to relax a little and imagine; 5 minutes to freely capture your thoughts; 5 minutes to reflect. What interesting... Continue Reading →

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