
Say Hello to Brilliantly You

Time to share some exciting news! Our free, online Masterclass, Brilliantly You, is now open for registration. Yippee!! Happening live on Zoom on Thursday 25 April 2024 at 11:00 to 12:00 BST, it is specially designed for doctoral student and doctoral graduates. In academia, industry, a mixture or in between. Any age, stage, experience or... Continue Reading →

Making a Breakthrough

I’ve been working on a new project. Lots of threads to weave and clarity to find. After days of doodling, unpicking and re-combination, it finally fell in to place. From conflict and frustration came calm. From clunkiness and confusion came flow. I’d made a break-through into understanding and eloquence. A proper foundation of substance to... Continue Reading →

Is The Grass Really Greener?

Have you heard of the phrase, "the grass is always greener on the other side"? In essence it's the notion that what others have; the situations they are in, are somehow better than our own. Healthy ambition, positive aspirations, and a drive to move and change are all excellent elements in a career adventurer's toolkit.... Continue Reading →

Being Aware

It’s almost a year since we moved into our new home in our new home town. Watching the ebb and flow in the garden, the flora and the fauna, it’s obvious to see that changes are taking place. Seasons and cycles. The circle of life. And as the new season’s snowdrops began to put on... Continue Reading →

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