Energise and Engage: Part 5

You've done your presentation and it was a success. The audience were receptive and engaged; you were confident and engaging. Gold stars and high-fives all round. Wait a moment... ...that is not the end. In the final part of Energise and Engage, this five-part series on the art of presenting with confidence and credibility, we... Continue Reading →

Energise and Engage: Part 4

After a brief ANT-erlude, we're back again with the fourth part of Energise and Engage. A series of posts dedicated to the art of presenting with confidence and credibility. This part explores the energy of delivery. Helping audiences move from sceptical surveillance to belief and trust; moving ideas from private ponderings to being shared and... Continue Reading →

Energise and Engage: Part 3

In this five-part series on the art of presenting we’ve been looking at why and how the energy from five special sources enables you to present with confidence and credibility. And help you to move audiences, yourself and your ideas forward. In case you missed the other posts, these five sources are… Understanding You Choice... Continue Reading →

Energise and Engage: Part 2

Firstly apologies to any of my lovely readers who received the unfinished version of this post yesterday. I pressed publish instead of save! Well, there's a first time for everything. Last week's post, in this five-part series on the art of presenting, explored the energy of understanding and the part it plays in helping you... Continue Reading →

Energise and Engage: Part 1

Look into the heart of presenting and you will find movement. Whether it's a conference talk, business pitch or part of an interview process, every one involves movement. Moving ideas out from the shadows and into the light Moving you to share and articulate in fresh ways. Moving others from awareness to belief; from belief... Continue Reading →

Communication Conundrum

I'm sure you agree with me that effective communication is an important aspect of all our personal and professional lives every day. So when I saw June was Effective Communications Month - yes, there is such a thing - I had a mini Jekyll and Hyde moment. Hyde-esque... "Effective Communication Month?! That stuff's important every... Continue Reading →

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