Reflecting on Energy

In a world where the only constant is change, it is only natural that you might sometimes feel overwhelmed or de-energised. Or, on the extreme flip-side, over-excited or over-energised because of so many ideas, choices and options. Achieving balance and finding the benefits in the midst of dynamic change can sometimes be a challenge. Balance... Continue Reading →

A Few Words on Career Agility

Whichever way you look at at it, thriving in our dynamic 21st century career landscape takes more than having a flashy CV and a list qualifications. It requires adaptability and the willingness to change… even if it hurts for a while. It requires creativity and career agility. Career agility means you are… 🌻 open to... Continue Reading →

Say Hello to Brilliantly You

Time to share some exciting news! Our free, online Masterclass, Brilliantly You, is now open for registration. Yippee!! Happening live on Zoom on Thursday 25 April 2024 at 11:00 to 12:00 BST, it is specially designed for doctoral student and doctoral graduates. In academia, industry, a mixture or in between. Any age, stage, experience or... Continue Reading →

Is The Grass Really Greener?

Have you heard of the phrase, "the grass is always greener on the other side"? In essence it's the notion that what others have; the situations they are in, are somehow better than our own. Healthy ambition, positive aspirations, and a drive to move and change are all excellent elements in a career adventurer's toolkit.... Continue Reading →

Nervous Energy: Friend or Foe?

Have you ever had those weird feelings days, hours, moments before you go into an interview, step out in front of an audience to share your ideas, walk into a room full of strangers? If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you have. No matter how many times I’ve presented, despite the hundreds of networking... Continue Reading →

Reflecting on Your Story

At this time of year it is natural to become reflective. Thinking about what has happened over the past months or longer. To take advantage of this reflective energy, why not take a moment and... ...write a mini story of 2023. Write it as if you were telling a story to inspire and motivate others.... Continue Reading →

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