Reflecting on Energy

In a world where the only constant is change, it is only natural that you might sometimes feel overwhelmed or de-energised.

Or, on the extreme flip-side, over-excited or over-energised because of so many ideas, choices and options.

Achieving balance and finding the benefits in the midst of dynamic change can sometimes be a challenge.

Balance and Benefit

VUCA Energy

VUCA = Volatility-Uncertainty-Complexity-Ambiguity

VUCA and dynamic change create and take energy. They bring opportunities, growth and ideas. Taking time to reflect can help you benefit from it and keep the balance right.

Thrive or Survive

Balancing and benefiting from the energy of change is part of what enables you to build and nurture confidence, esteem, efficacy and belief. It helps you thrive by being transferrable, agile and adaptable.

Energy Sweet Spot

The point where you feel in the flow and balanced. Not overwhelmed. Not over-excited. Focused and energised. Positive self-reflection can help you find and nurture yours.

Reflection Questions

Whether you prefer James Redfield’s, “where attention goes: energy flows” quote; or the Tony Robbins version, “where focus goes; energy flows”, they both provide food for thought.

More precisely, a possible starting point for some positive self-reflection.

Here are a few questions to help you with your reflections on energy…

  • What is drawing my attention at the moment?
    • Why is it drawing my attention?
    • How is this making me feel?
  • What are my energy levels like at the moment?
    • Is this normal for me and what might be the cause?
  • Where would I like to be directing my energy?
    • What is stopping me?
    • Why would this make things better?

Everyone has their ups and downs. This is all part of being human. Taking time for a little positive self-reflection can help you get some balance back.

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