A Few Words on Career Agility

Whichever way you look at at it, thriving in our dynamic 21st century career landscape takes more than having a flashy CV and a list qualifications.

It requires adaptability and the willingness to change… even if it hurts for a while.

It requires creativity and career agility.

Career agility means you are…

🌻 open to change and learning

🌻 more aware of and responsive to opportunities 

🌻 able to recover more effectively from setbacks

🌻 likely to make better moves and choices

And a primary ingredient of career agility is our relationship with Value.

Valuing yourself.

Valuing others.

Creating value for yourself and others.

It’s this relationship with Value that can hold you back or drive you forward.

Keep you stuck or help you be flexible.

If you are struggling with realising your Value and feel it’s impacting your career agility, why not join me at our Brilliantly You Masterclass on 25 April 2024.

It’s free and online. And it would be great to see you there.

Header image courtesy of Kid Circus on Unsplash

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