Innovate Approach

The Inspiration

I have had the privilege of working with some of our brightest minds and most entrepreneurial spirits as their supporter and confidante.

Plus my career story is rich and varied, full of transitions into new career territory (successes and shaky moments!) From boilersuit to boardroom and beyond that’s me 🙂

Inspired by a multitude of career conversations and professional development interactions, research and 25 years of personal experience as a career nomad…

… The Innovate Approach is your route to achieving career success in the 21st century’s rapidly changing career landscape.

It brings together thinking, stories and my own experience from the world of research, science and engineering, entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership, education and business.

It is fed by my desire to enable you to build a rewarding, successful career on your terms; to help you thrive in a dynamic, ever-evolving career landscape.

The Heart and Soul

The guiding principles of The Innovate Approach are…

Be the author of your unique career story. Set your own evolving measures of career success and view every transition as an exciting new chapter.

Be a Career Adventurer. Reset your perspective on newness, uncertainty and change so you can see, find and create opportunities everywhere.

Be a Value Creator. Free yourself from the traditional transactional view of a career. Add value for yourself and others wherever you go.

The Four Elements

The Innovate Approach is made up of four interconnected elements…

OPEN: Mindset

Adopting, developing and maintaining a creative mindset. Embracing creativity and creative thinking as your default setting.

Creative Enabler

EXPLORE: Opportunities

Going beyond what you know to find and create career opportunities which add value for yourself and others in equal measure.

Opportunity Hunter


Appreciating and understanding your personal value. Recognising yourself as a source of value creation in your career mix.

Value Creator

ENGAGE: Others

Connecting, inspiring, building trust with career champions, employers and clients. Bringing value with all your communication.

Trust Builder

Diagram of The Innovate Approach. Our signature career development system
Doodle of The Innovate Approach. Our signature career development system

Why It Matters

Maintaining your agility

The world is a dynamic place. Changing; evolving; bringing opportunities galore. Creating new models of working, new businesses, new challenges…and the changes have only just begun.

The Innovate Approach enables you to develop and maintain the agility and evolve-ability needed to thrive in this altered landscape.  It helps you turn uncertainty in to your life-long ally.

Avoiding the value vortex

We all experience transitions in our career, planned or unplanned. The change and newness involved can be empowering. It can also skew how we perceive our own value. Meaning we turn our newness and progression into a negative instead of a positive.

The Innovate Approach helps you balance perspective, appreciation of personal value, understanding of what others value and the ability to create value together.

Future-proofing your career

The future has always been uncertain. Many people mask this by holding on tightly to their chosen career paths, roles or measures of success despite the warning signs.

The Innovate Approach helps you to take a practical view from the bright side; making uncertainty your friend so you’ll be able to adapt and evolve your career story into the future.

Always happy to discuss your career. If you have questions or want to find out more, drop me a line to arrange a call and let’s get the conversation started today. Or come and join us at the Re-energising Your Career Hub and take your career to the next level.

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