Ready To Rock n Role?

When you know in your heart it’s time for a change, or change is thrust upon you, it can be role models who are a source of inspiration.

Sparking ideas, foster feelings of confidence and encouragement. Fueling self-belief.

Stories of challenges overcome, insights into shared experiences, the added human dimension of someone you can relate to, are a way of seeing the world from a fresh perspective. Especially when you might be a little lost or stuck in a rut.

And what about role-model-you?

Like most people, you don’t wake up in the morning declaring, “Today, I am going to be a role model”.  It’s a status bestowed upon you by others who see you as a positive example to be emulated. 

This means it can happen at any moment with any person. 

A client once told me that when she learnt she was viewed as a role model in the company it was “an amazing revelation“. Making her … ” even more determined to communicate successfully and be a positive example”.

Therefore, even in times of personal difficulties, I think it’s important to remember the influence our behaviour and values can have on others. After all, the way you deal with adversity, or demonstrate your resilience, may well provide inspiration to others.

And if you are looking for a role model to inspire you remember…

…they don’t have to be older and more experienced than you. Inspiration doesn’t have such a narrow outlook. Younger generations bring different ideas and alternative viewpoints; adding a whole new dimension and richness.

Regardless of age, background, experience and aspirations, we all have the ability to inspire others to be their best, to achieve career success and to make a difference.  How bloomin’ marvellous is that 🙂

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