AI and Me

Inspired by a friend, and a doctoral student at an online UKCGE event, I’ve been tinkering and playing a little with AI.

Not because everyone else was doing it or because I suffer from fear-of-missing-out.

Because I realised, I was being closed-minded and resistant.

And that’s not the Career Adventurer way. 

What would ANT say?!!!

So, based on basic dabbling with a few tools (yes, that’s what they are to me) my top takeaways are that it helped with…

Productivity – saving time on certain tasks.

Suggestions – gaining alternative perspectives based on your input and access to a wider pool of data.

Structure – more rapidly bringing form to random thoughts and ideas.

Feedback – encouraging the formulation of better questions and descriptions, as AI output improves with feedback.

It isn’t going to replace my personal creative process.

My aim is to use it to enhance it. Like I said, to me they are tools.

Tools you need to be comfortable with in order to stay relevant today and into the future.

There are plenty of dystopian descriptions of where AI will take us. Concerns about the role of humans in the big wide world. This post is not a thought-leadership piece as I’ve not done the brain or leg work to comment.

What I will say, from my limited experience, is this…

Generic – could lead to more stale and sterile content and images.

Mental effort – relying on AI to be you ‘solver’ could make you creatively lazy.

Falseness – could feel like you’re interacting with a person. You’re not!

Clutter – volume of content generated is high. Could lose best nuggets in the noise.

For me, these tools are not about replacing anything. Rather a possible enhancement.


…it can be fun to have a play.

This is a cartoon style image of an angry flower created using Bing AI image creator.

Who knew I’d ever be part of creating one of those 😂🌻

PS: the header is a segment of another.

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