Creatively Together

It was Drayton Arts Festival last week.

The 10th anniversary one for the town; the first one for us.

Workshops, exhibitions, live music, open days, markets and more.

I’d been looking forward to it since we moved.

Like the Ginger and Spice Festival in September and the community-owned Festival Drayton Centre, the Arts Festival brings together those two powerful ingredients…

Community and Creativity

Ingredients which unite, empower and inspire.

Ingredients which give you the chance to get involved, learn, and share different perspectives through the lens of arts and crafts.

Many things inspired me during the Arts Festival. And I’m glad I explored, chatted and got to know our new home town a little better.

Thank you to:

Suzanne Edwards and the organising team for making the Arts Festival a reality.

The Arts Club for the warm welcome and the cool conversations.

Susan Treweek for the abstract art now hanging my office.

The many artists from our local schools for sharing your creativity and art.

The examples of the schools’ art work on the left and in this post’s header image are courtesy of Georgia and Lilly from Market Drayton Junior School, and Polly from Adderley Primary School.

Creatively together we can do pretty much anything.

Inspire and include; unite and uplift; learn and laugh.

I am definitely looking forward to next year’s Arts Festival.

You never know what you’ll discover, who you’ll meet or what you might learn.

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